Its unfortunate that Twitter has met with such friction and disappointment over the years of trying to become a profitable company. To have everyone push back from the table last week as the stock dropped must have been about as disappointing as being rejected by a classmate you just asked to the junior prom. Personally I can recall several of the overstuffed emails in my inbox describing yet another change to Twitter’s Terms of Service, as they change their information distribution, access and privacy policies in repeated attempts to corral their margins into the black. The platform, the service, even the structure of the tweet itself keeps changing as the back office struggles to find their wind. But one thing has remained constant:
It never works.
My hats off to Dorsey who keeps trying and trying with all of his ninja and know-how, but still the stock drops.
Stock price: TWTR (NYSE) $17.56 -2.29 (-11.54%)
Oct 10, 4:00 PM EDT –
I looked up and saw this after a google search. While I’m wishing them the best of success in their reach for the stars, I find myself wishing that Twitter stays right where it is.
I don’t see Twitter as a social network, an app, a place to gripe about company X because their widget didn’t come in the color that you expected.
Twitter is infrastructure. Like a bridge, a subway, an energy plant. Twitter has become so ingrained into our everyday digital experience, its the first go-to link right after every Facebook icon in most existing digital real estate. It is part and parcel of the modern social internetworking lexicon. It is a part of us. I hope it is valued for more than just the new football and debate feeds that it supports and given the appropriate status therein.