In as much as being a security consultant is cutting edge, its not cutting edge unless you have had proper exposure to the administrative tasks and coding frustrations of building out and working within an enterprise environment. Im going to be bemoaning all of the painstaking frustrations and things I learn here in my bloggy blog for future reference.
quick points:
-Shift-ZZ is how to save the file you were just editing in VIM and exits to bash.
-If you fail overwriting a file completely in Unix, it will create a swap file that is hidden that starts with a “.” — what a nightmare if your ssh server is configured with one of those.
-The sshd_server in Unix is configured by default to connect to port 22 and you must UN-comment the lines in the config file to get it to route to the new port.
-Unix comes configured with a firewall that will override your configuration changes if you try to connect to an sshd server on a new port number. You can flush all your firewall rules by using the “service iptables stop” command.
-Updating python from 2.6 to 2.7 is a process.
-Homebrew is awesome sauce.
Using terminal from my mac and performing all this work on a CentOS box in my DMZ. Im just not in the mood to run Django locally….
Why have one externally facing webserver when you can have two at twice the price?
Or none… thank you vmware…