Author Archives: admin

DNS Security Distillation

Why is DNS security important? 

DNS is the lifeblood of the internet and is a fundamental service that most of us take for granted. It is a highly specialized yet simple protocol that renders the vastly diverse resources abound on the internet available to its human users via a written linguistic abstraction. You interact with it every day when you type, but you know this already so I will spare you the remedial math. As DNS functions via a mechanism that is invisible to us, it is easily manipulated without our knowledge. This article will demonstrate the methods and goals of bad actors that target the DNS attack service.

In a nutshell ( or an oystershell for that matter ), DNS Security is the discipline of preventing redirection attacks or having your traffic routed to a place you dont want to go. It also involves insulating your DNS servers from unwittingly being conscripted into DDOS attacks. 

For the most part, these kinds of attacks are discussed in highly abstracted terms and they fail to describe the method of engagement, i.e., where the attacker has to be and what he has to have in order to execute the attack — (read: gripe) I find the ommision of this detail to be a failing of most security articles — more on that later…

DNS Cache Poisoning: In its most exciting detail, cache poisoning is a form of DNS Spoofing that occurs when forged DNS entries have been injected into a resolver’s cache, then subsequently served as legitamate answers to a querying host. Imagine opening up your phone’s address book and clicking on someone’s name, just to have your phone call a different number!

Now unimagine it. After researching this for a while, it appears that this kind of attack ( on-LAN, brute-force method of pushing answers into a DNS server after making a request and relying on a race condition ) has been largely mitigated by using randominzed port number along with a randomized QueryID.

2. Examples of being poned via DNS 
cache poisoning, Reflection Attack
3. Describe malware’s DNS necessity
4. How to address DNS security issues
5. What is all the fuss about

Hosting a crowded event? Hire a sniper.

My guess is the Las Vegas shooter was suicidal in a very weird way. Something in him snapped, but it snapped a long time ago, and the amount of time it took for him to plan this and carry it out is an awkwardly long time to be suicidal. There was contempt and hate fueling his death march to the Mandalay Bay. Sometimes when I try to understand a person’s motives, I play a little game. What is the worst reason he could have had for doing this? Insanity? Russia? If we could only have gotten a snapshot of his psychopathology and synaptic condition the last few weeks leading up to the night of the concert…

Large crowds are the prime target for anyone who wants to kill a lot of people. And they can do so with relative ease from a high position using an automatic rifle, especially against a crowd at a concert where the saturation density of people can become so high that it prevents exfiltration of those who wish to leave in a hurry.

It is damn amazing that more people didn’t die in Las Vegas. I’m rather astounded based upon the fact that the gunman was firing from two different vantage points, each position having interior cover. Ive heard an estimate from a news media outlet that it took nine minutes for a group of police officers to assemble, figure out where the shooting was coming from, converge on the hotel and neutralize the shooter.

9 minutes.

Not 19. Not 90. Not long enough for him to expend all of his ammo. 9 minutes. That is amazing response time. And there was also a great coordination response from the Mandalay Bay security personnel. It would seem that LVPD and localized security teams have actually spent some time preparing for this kind of thing, and they have done so with diligence and dedication. My hats off to the Sin City badges and the hotel patrols.

Now its time to get that response time to come down even lower. I think that we need to start protecting these large musical events with active firepower. Its time to assume that someone is going to show up and start shooting. The security at these events needs to resemble the preparation of an event that will be attended by the President. When the POTUS is going to make an appearance, the Secret Service show up in advance and do a risk analysis of the entire area, looking for any place a shooter could position himself. They lock the area down, perform area-denial of all places advantageous to a combatant and post sharp shooters in every direction waiting for someone to get stupid.

Understandingly, there are more risks involved with using rifles to keep people from using rifles around large crowd, but I think these risks can be managed. It is worth the risk, planning and effort to keep a well trained and well focused team at the ready. Had the shooter had a few expert marksman to keep him busy the moment that he broke out the glass of his 32nd story window, there would have been fewer casualties.

And there is plenty of money in the budget for these events to pay for it. How much do we pay for Cochella and Outside Lands? Yeah… the margins are there to the point that this protection doesn’t have to be passed on to the consumer.

I attend concerts like this one all the time. I’m still going to. Shoot at me all you like. You are not going to stop me from seeing my favorite band. I just hope the promoter has somebody ready to shoot back at you when the time comes.



xargs vs exec

xargs is cooler. Thats why…

In trying to delete a bunch of files with similar names  ( REALLY necessary when playing around with the split command ) but there usually is an issue — which presents an inconsistent problem. Sometimes linux barfs and sometimes it behaves…

When issuing this command:   find . -name ‘someFile*’

I will get the output:


And this kind of input being piped to an xargs rm command doesnt jive all that well. So there is cause for use of the exec command… but its very unwieldy in its usage:

find . -name ‘someFile* -exec rm {} \;

Why is it unwieldy? You mean besides the fact that I wanted to say the word unwieldy? Well, I just don’t understand the syntax. Lets explore:

-exec: acts as a pipe in this instance, but the mechanism is different and those differences are subtle.

the {} seems to act as a transformation to an iterative for each string returned separated by a new line delimiter. It seems to hold true to its Array symbolic reference.

Not sure about the \ and the ; and the option of the +. I will have to look that up later.

The Equifax Breach Affects Everyone. This means YOU.

One of the main national credit reporting agencies, Equifax, announced a breach yesterday with over 150 million records exposed. That is you. And that is ME. ( I checked )

Everyone needs to be super alert with their accounts now. The hackers have everything they need to compromise most of your accounts ( Your bank account, your cable TV provider, your Facebook account, your health insurance account, they can take out a mortgage in your name, start a line of credit in your name).

Here is what they have on you:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Every address you have ever had
  • All credit inquiries you have ever made
  • Social Security Number
  • Birth date
  • All accounts in collections you have ever had
  • All judgements against you
  • Every credit card you have
  • Every line of credit you have
  • Every bank you have an account at
  • Your credit score
  • Your payment histories
  • The list goes on…
To boot, this can be combined with every other data set available from every other breach at any other place you had an account with that is for sale on the dark web.
The real problem is that it is very easy to get into all of your accounts, and reset the passwords and change account details because they ARE YOU now. Every piece of authentication information an account representative would ask, THEY HAVE.

The amount of power these punks have over all of us is insane. Here is what I advise:

  1. Make sure that your bank requires that you tell them your ATM card number when you call in. If they don’t, tell them to add that and other layers of security to your account. Be worried that your money will evaporate.
  2. Call your mobile phone service provider and make sure you they ask you for a PIN. AT&T does this already but I’m not sure about Verizon or Virgin Mobile, etc.
  3. Enable two factor authentication on all of your accounts.
  4. Keep close tabs on, or even FREEZE your credit with Experian, TransUnion and the spectacular producer of this fine mess. Its free. It may be hard to get through to Equifax, though. They might be a bit swamped.
  5. Understand that you are highly vulnerable to being impersonated on a variety of levels now. 
  6. If you have an Equifax account and that password is shared with any other of your accounts, change that password. Then smack yourself for sharing passwords among accounts.
  7. If you go to the emergency website set up by Equifax to see if you have been breached, attack yourself and don’t do that. Equifax is poison and you’re just submitting more information to the hackers. If you sign up for their credit monitoring service, this abdicates you from joining the class action lawsuit against them where I imagine that they will be liable for more money than they are worth as a company. If you sign up for credit monitoring, don’t do it through them.Ugh. I was wondering why my credit score was so high..
    Gods help us all. Make no mistake, Equifax has caused severe harm to the entire country. They have put the sheep into the hungry wolves den. Now a bunch of NASA engineers are going to have to sit around and figure out ways for people to prove that they are themselves without using any of the exposed information. Yeesh..I bet its also time to knock on Experian’s door… and TransUnion’s as well and see if they have been leaving their doors unlocked at night…

Migrating to AWS

This should be somewhat fun. Its time to really get my feet wet with AWS and that means experiencing the pain as well as the knowledge. Perhaps most of the pain is experienced when you get the bill, but for now we will focus on the technical chops of moving things over to a new instance.

Process Steps:

  1. Backup existing data stores — MySQL db for wordpress.Wow — headache and a half. A common syntax in several walk-throughs all had me trying this:mysqldump -u [username] -p [password] [databasename] > [backupfile.sql]but…. because of the way my hosting service has their MySQL accounts configured, the username and the database name are merged making my syntax incorrect. Fortunately they listed this constraint on their faq site:
    mysqldump -p user_name > DESIGNATED_DATABASE_BACKUP_NAME.sql

    Not only did I have an extra parameter in there ( the username and the db name are merged ) but there is only one name that you are allowed to give to a backup of your db.

    Whatever floats their integers….

  2. Create new web server instance on AWS — using new stack mind you…Man… we are already 1:50 into this project and pizza is looking very far away. Time for a run. Back in 30… and i just realized that all further commits are going to have to be manually ported over after I import the backup… lol.
  3. Upload site files and data store.
  4. Configure site components and bring site up.
  5. Change name server settings with registrar to point domain to migrated site.
  6. The internet is amazing! Ordering Pizza.

Started Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 11:51 am. Lets see how long this takes. No sleep til’ Brooklyn.



Programming-fu — Historical LevelUps

A journal entry for fundamental lessons that advance programming fluency:

  1.  What a return statement does:

    When a function ‘returns’ a value, it doesn’t go anywhere in particular. What is special about a value that is returned is that it is now available to be called by other methods and functions.

    For example, here’s a function utilizing both print() and return:

    def foo():
        print("hello from inside of foo")
        return 1

    Now you can run code that calls foo, like so:

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print("going to call foo")
        x = foo()
        print("called foo")
        print("foo returned " + str(x))

    If you run this as a script (e.g. a .py file) as opposed to in the Python interpreter, you will get the following output:

    going to call foo
    hello from inside foo
    called foo   
    foo returned 1

    Logical example supplied by Nathan Hughes.

  2.  How recursion works: 
    If you define a small script with a nested return statement, the untrained logic will present a computational fallacy. Note the example:

    def f(n):
    …     if n<2:
    …             return 1
    …     return f(n-1) + f(n-2)
    x = f(3)

    Print x

    How will this code work? The tough spot is that this algorithm is especially designed to fool you. If you calculate the computation algebraically, you get the same answer as you would have if you understood where recursion was supposed to take place — in this case using the integer ‘3’. Take a moment to run the numbers in your head.

    Now, If you were to shove in the number 2, different devils come out of the details. Try coding this up in a Python interpreter and see what you come out with.

    3 gets you 3. 4 gets you 5. But 2 gets you 2, not 1. Why do you think that is? Understanding recursion means that when you get to the second return line, you understand that each f(someValue) must be looped back up through the first if statement again and be subject to satisfying the first return statement again.

5 ways to NOT setup a WordPress Server on AWS

Yah know….. ( said with a humorously wry rise )

So I thought I would recall all of the biffs I made when migrating to AWS… I wanted to join the Amazon club pretty bad….. because everyone is doing it, right? I can just hear my mother’s voice in my ear…

“If all your friends decided to jump off a cliff, would you jump off it too?!!” – said with exasperated disapproval being sprayed all over the room that would make any seven-year-old shrink down into their shoes…

Regardless, the AWS cliff looks fun and everyone seems to be surviving. But going straight into it for the first time, I encountered a few bumps in the road. Here is a road map of where I was going and a list of the places where the trail went cold:

Build: Amazon Linux 2 AMI, NGinX, MySQL, PHP, WordPress. 

  • Launched Instance. Couldn’t SSL into the box because I didn’t set a name tag and didn’t set up DNS correctly. For some reason, troubleshooting after you make that mistake before launch is tough.  Flash Box


  • Launched Instance. Couldn’t get MySQL installed onto Linux AMI. There is an unsolved library compatibility issue that no one has posted a fix for on Stack Overflow yet. And there is only so much package hunting you can do in the morning before work — gave up and went back to Ubuntu 16.04. Flash Box


  • Got ALL THE WAY THROUGH the 5 minute installation and had it ready to install ( yah know… when its accessible via default creds? ) and then I had to go catch the train. During my commute I was taught a harsh lesson around security group configuration. When I got back to do the install, a very courteous piece of cryptojacking malware had  done it for me. I spent a few hours doing some forensic analysis on the box ( running top, I could see the database was VERY busy spending my money) and I attempted to hash in my own password into MySQL so I could get back in, but my drive to not get sidetracked with albeit, an interesting pursuit, was not going to directly contribute to the completion of this project. Flash Box


  • Accidentally started up the firewall at some point when I was on NGINX installation autopilot and kicked myself out of my own machine. It didn’t actually terminate the session I already had, which made it take longer for me to remember what I had done wrong when my ssh command didn’t work the next day. That ufw command has consequences… Flash Box


  • Yet another Death by Firewall as I changed the configuration of the SSH service to operate on another port ( Security by Obscurity Lives!!! ) and I forgot to open up a port in the firewall. FLASH BOX!

Remember that scene in The 5th Element when Gary Oldman opened the case to find that there were no stones? Yeah… it was like that. The struggle is real.

A funny reminder of all of these id10t viruses compromising the layer 8 host is the naming convention I have applied to the key pairs that I download each time I spin up a new AWS instance. SecondKey, ThirdKey, FourthKey… you get the idea. Wish me luck with a successful configuration while the numbering of the keys is still in the one’s column.

Takeaway: Even when you’re just getting started, the amazon design and security principles do state the importance of automating a best practice around starting with a secure architecture, strong controls and having a system for versioning your instances — which would have been a great help to keep me from starting from scratch every time.

Setting up an SSL VPN through Sophos UTM — the hard way.

And here’s the thing.. I had it working before… doesn’t that just kill? The irony is starting to hurt my feelings… 🙂

After spending about 7 hours trying to get this to work, I have decided to start over and spin up a fresh install of the latest asg*.iso file in vmware and start there and see how it goes….

Okay… its been 6 hours and I have a fresh install working and configured for baseline internet access using one network client ( manually adjusting TCP stacks away from DHCP to test) and we have pulled our standard test http blob. ( Adell’s ‘hello’ video on youtube.. my version of hello world )

Pain points: Spinning up a twin firewall in ESXi can be problematic so remember these things:

( im going to have to condense these into simple captures of what I learn instead of talking to myself.. )

  • Go for the Other Linux 32 bit guest framework in ESXi for Sophos UTM. There is an option mid-install to go for the 64 bit, but for some reason the WebAdmin always chokes right after install when you use the 64 bit option. Just pass on it.
  • Twinning up a firewall with the same IP address ( even with the other one down ) seems to make the gods angry. I didnt test for an ARP cache conflict, but Im guessing thats what it was.. no workie. Use a new IP.
  • Don’t worry about configuring a gateway in the Firewall. It auto configs.
  • When setting up your WAN interface, choose Standard ethernet as your connection type and opt for DHCP. ( Much better performance than our first exercise in building this… )Now… time to set up the VPN. But steaks first. ( Will return )

Next Day —- The bleeding continues…

I have another client on the network configured to run through the new firewall. Im configuring the SSL VPN now…. wish me luck.

Interesting tidbit: Nmap has a DNS dependency when running from Darwin 15.6 without using a -Pn flag. Weird….

Toggling the Firewall Rules has no effect over the course of 1-2 min of blocking access. I turned them off yet I can pull websites and my DI stream does not fail. — Does it take a few mins? Need to explore further to elaborate on root cause of firewall issues… Fleh.

Some great nmap commands listed here:

Thank you Ben Cane. 🙂

Yah know… its been another 6 hours of nibbling along and my only accomplishment today is making my bed.. Redoing the firewall from scratch has forced me to learn every detail of this firewall down to where the developers went to kindergarten and what level their Dungeons and Dragons character is. — totally relevant I know… but not the short answer to the issue at hand.. being able to push code to my home web server… all this firewalling for some python and flask….

rrrrrrrr… :\

Working on getting the DMZ access to the internet… did I enable masquerading?…

This must be what its like when the zombie is trying to get out of the grave and there are several townspeople all weighing down on top of the dirt and coffin lid that is pushing through the ground…a rigor’d arm with bones and flesh all rotten pushed through the ground… lol

So now I have internet access out of the DMZ and into the interwebs:
~$ wget
–2016-10-16 16:20:50–
Resolving (…,, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6819:231d, …
Connecting to (||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
–2016-10-16 16:20:53–
Connecting to (||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: ‘index.html.1’

Im using my local DNS but still it had to do a double request to get to the site now that Dan has put a cert on his page. Shouldnt the entry default me to the 443? Maybe its an Ubuntu thing..


Grrrrrrr. Still no workie. Same problem that I had with the other box. Same errors reporting from Viscosity but with no viable description of whats wrong…

Viscosity lacks Verbosity. Im downloading PFSense….

–Update 20 April 2017…

I did it. Finally. The culprit? Comcast’s modem. The new model that they switched in when I moved the office came with a Un-Switch-Off-able firewall that I had to open up a port on in the silliest, non-intuitive way, specifying the route NAT’d from the modem to the External WAN interface in Sophos. — that took me a while… Snarbs!

Its a real victory being able to come back to a problem over and over again determined to crush it and then finally doing so… Especially when you already had the gold in your hands before…

What we should do with Twitter


Its unfortunate that Twitter has met with such friction and disappointment over the years of trying to become a profitable company. To have everyone push back from the table last week as the stock dropped must have been about as disappointing as being rejected by a classmate you just asked to the junior prom. Personally I can recall several of the overstuffed emails in my inbox describing yet another change to Twitter’s Terms of Service, as they change their information distribution, access and privacy policies in repeated attempts to corral their margins into the black. The platform, the service, even the structure of the tweet itself keeps changing as the back office struggles to find their wind. But one thing has remained constant:

It never works.

My hats off to Dorsey who keeps trying and trying with all of his ninja and know-how, but still the stock drops.

Stock price: TWTR (NYSE) $17.56 -2.29 (-11.54%)
Oct 10, 4:00 PM EDT –

I looked up and saw this after a google search. While I’m wishing them the best of success in their reach for the stars, I find myself wishing that Twitter stays right where it is.

I don’t see Twitter as a social network, an app, a place to gripe about company X because their widget didn’t come in the color that you expected.

Twitter is infrastructure. Like a bridge, a subway, an energy plant. Twitter has become so ingrained into our everyday digital experience, its the first go-to link right after every Facebook icon in most existing digital real estate. It is part and parcel of the modern social internetworking lexicon. It is a part of us. I hope it is valued for more than just the new football and debate feeds that it supports and given the appropriate status therein.


Creating a *nix configuration file

For someone who spends so much time in linux, but not so much time on the same box, I need a way to automate the usual setup tasks every time I spin up a fresh install. I will need to write a script and store it somewhere offsite where it can be quickly accessed through the command line, like in a github repo. Lets figure out how to do this:

Fist lets make a list of all the configurations that I would want to automate with this script:

  1. SSH server — of course.
  2. Vim configuration preferences  — manually configured by creating .vimrc file, mind you.
  3. dev goodies ( python, ruby, etc )
  4. Standard updates
  5. what else is there… ( will return… )